Registrar's Office
The Registrar's Office is committed to student success by maintaining accuracy of
all academic records. The Registrar's Office performs a variety of functions at Vincennes
University. At some time during your connection with 澳门足球博彩官方网址, you will probably have contact
with the office. The Registrar's Office is your source of information regarding the
below services and requests.
Quick Links to Popular Services
Would you like a copy of your Vincennes University transcripts? This site provides
detailed steps on how to request official and access unofficial requests for transcripts.
Financial obligations with the University must be met before a transcript will be
produced for you. Please contact the Bursars office at for resolving these issues.
Request an Enrollment Verification
(View Online & Print)
Are you in need of Vincennes University enrollment verification? An enrollment verification
form proves to third parties that you are a student at Vincennes University. It
is often requested by insurance companies for discounts, by loan companies to defer
payment, or when applying for a job. Official enrollment cannot be verified until
after the first full week of enrollment at Vincennes University.
Replacement Diploma Request Form
(View Online & Print)
To replace a lost or destroyed diplomas, use the link above to request a replacement.
Student Complete Record Request Form
(View Online & Print)
Do you need a complete copy of your student records? Use the link above to request
a copy.
Student Release of Educational Records to Parent/Guardian
(View Online & Print)
Change of Contact information (Address/phone/email)
(View Online & Print)
It is very important that you keep your address and other contact information up to
date with the Vincennes University Registrar's Office. The most convenient way to
change your address and telephone number is by completing the Change of Contact Information
form. Reminder: The address in which you provide to the University as your permanent
address will determine your location for Title IV purposes.
PLEASE NOTE: Current students who are employed by the University (including work study positions),
must contact the Human Resources Department to make any changes to their personal
change of legal name/legal gender
(View Online & Print)
Students who have had their legal name and/or gender changed by the appropriate government
entities, or who have identified an error in the University system, can request a
change or correction. Documentation is required.
PLEASE NOTE: Current students who are employed by the University (including work study positions),
must contact the Human Resources Department to make any changes to their personal
Degree Verify
The National Student Clearinghouse is our authorized agent for providing degree verifications.
If you are an employer or background screening firm requesting this information
please contact for your degree verification needs.
Request for copy of GED
Do you need a complete copy of your GED score report? The State has taken possession
of all GED records. They are accessible through a company called Diploma Sender.
To receive a copy of your GED record, go to and create an account. You can print out a free unofficial GED transcript or order
an official GED transcript for $15.00.
Adding / Dropping Courses
Grades are processed in the Registrar's Office and are issued at mid-term and after
final exams. All grades will be available to the student on 澳门足球博彩官方网址-x.
Transfer of Credit/Transcript Evaluation
Official transcripts should be sent from another college or university directly to
the Vincennes University Registrar's Office. Visit the Admission Requirements page for details regarding transfer of credit.
Graduation Application
Students who have completed all graduation requirements must submit a graduation application
during their final semester. It is important to continuously monitor your DegreeWorks
record and work closely with your advisor to stay on track. Your academic record will
be evaluated based on the major requirements outlined in the Vincennes University
catalog. Both you and your academic advisor will be informed of your graduation status.
FERPA protects the privacy of your education records. With the exception of directory information, these records are considered confidential and cannot be released to third parties
(including your parents, spouse, or sponsor) without your written consent.